Last night at the Saint Louis Symphony Orchestra’s (SLSO) opening performance of its 130th season, I was struck by the juxtaposition of a contemporary work, Osvaldo Golijov’s “Azul” and Mahler’s 5th Symphony. What struck me was how Mahler’s work was diminished. Imagine that. Diminishing a composer known for being over the top, which only takes […]
Last night at the Saint Louis Symphony Orchestra’s (SLSO) opening performance of its 130th season, I was struck by the juxtaposition of a contemporary work, Osvaldo Golijov’s “Azul” and Mahler’s 5th Symphony. What struck me was how Mahler’s work was diminished. Imagine that. Diminishing a composer known for being over the top, which only takes away the word “over.” Still on top, if not over, in other words.
Now don’t get me wrong, I love other works of Mahler, particularly the early symphonies one and two (Resurrection). Barring the Adagietto beginning of the last movement (or Part III), the Mahler 5th had little contrast and form compared to “Azul.” Every movement (or section) of the 5th sounded like a finale. Being a writer type, I concluded that Mahler really either needed a good editor to sculpt this work or to file down his ego. It just came off as somewhat muddled, and this I am sure had nothing to do with the Orchestra under David Robertson. Musical fragments struggled to join up into something larger. With the exception, I have to point out, of that Adagietto, in which the aching harp anchors the soul-searching violas for the intro. What an exquisite section.
This “Azul,” though, reminded me of a science experiment in which all you could exclaim at the end is “Eureka!” An experiment gone right. I could best think of the piece as a triple concerto since it had a cello, hyper-accordion (yes, hyper!), and percussion (enough instruments to seat two percussionists). The piece begins with a mournful cello solo but with a promise of something better, more joyous, and, guess what, promise fulfilled! Later (and I don’t remember which movement it was), the cellist sawed into these magnificent arpeggios, the percussion just went freaking crazy, and unconditional joy filled the auditorium. Meanwhile, the hyper-accordion did what I guess it does best, acting really hyper but the sounds emanating are really cool. Apparently, this instrument allows effects like a synthesizer.
But this is life, after all, and joy wants to continue but of course it cannot so a bittersweet section of longing follows. And, yes, there is a trick ending similar to so many of the symphonies of the Romantic Period (when you never quite know when the brash ending chord will sound) but I won’t give it away.
At times, especially early on in the work, the music reminded of a gelatinous mass crawling amorphously throughout the volume of Powell Hall. I mean that in the best of ways. Such an unusual shape to the sound with plenty of interesting things going on at the edges of the mass. It reminded me of Michael Gordon’s music at times (see earlier post).
Thank someone that Conductor David Robertson has a freewheeling imagination regarding contemporary composers and more obscure works of the masters. If you weren’t there, you missed your chance to see the hands of the principal cellist of the SLSO crawl up and down the neck of his instrument like crabs one moment, then as if he was giving a massage the next. Truly a chance of a lifetime to experience the premier of this work in our fair city.
OK, I’m lying. They weren’t dueling at all. But last night’s (September 11, 2009) recital of the Arianna Quartet here in St. Louis featured a Brahms quintet with TWO violas! What a great idea…well, to me it’s great, having played the viola a good part of my life. What was interesting was how the second […]
OK, I’m lying. They weren’t dueling at all. But last night’s (September 11, 2009) recital of the Arianna Quartet here in St. Louis featured a Brahms quintet with TWO violas! What a great idea…well, to me it’s great, having played the viola a good part of my life. What was interesting was how the second viola seemed to support the cello line more than the first viola line. So, I am biased, but I found the overall sound to be richer, fuller, and really wondered why chamber music composers haven’t been doing this for years. Brahms is, like, my favorite composer anyway, and Joanna Mendoza, the Arianna violist, had given me private lessons for a few months last year, so bias is dripping from these words. Anyway, I’ve been attending Arianna chamber concerts for at least five years. This is yet another of those cultural treasures that exists in the City of St. Louis, which I would describe as a big city that acts like a small town EXCEPT in its cultural affairs. Also impressive is that Arianna is getting close to filling their regular concert hall, the Lee Theatre at the Touhill Performing Arts Center, University of Missouri – St. Louis (UMSL). Could it be that these wonderful string players are enlarging the public’s interest in chamber music? Check out their next performance and decide for yourself!
In college, I tried to buy an album every week, despite having only $15-20 per week of spending money (and this was NYC) and invariably counting my pennies on Sunday to scrounge up enough for a Hungry Mac’s burger and fries. Having come from Signal Mountain, TN to Manhattan, there were so many new tunes […]
In college, I tried to buy an album every week, despite having only $15-20 per week of spending money (and this was NYC) and invariably counting my pennies on Sunday to scrounge up enough for a Hungry Mac’s burger and fries. Having come from Signal Mountain, TN to Manhattan, there were so many new tunes to discover. It was, and still is, a regular source of pleasure I put up there with, well, you probably know, what those pleasures are. I am always on the hunt for new, unique sounds, usually in the category (my own making) of “alchemy.” This is the mixing, combining, integrating of instruments, styles, genres, etc to make new sounds precious to the ear.
Michael Gordon fits this category. He’s a contemporary composer of, well, some fusion of classical instruments into a penetrating percussive tone and electronica type beats. I have two of his CDs, Weather and Decasia. I also saw a dance piece entitled Natural Selection to one of the cuts off Weather this summer performed by the Keigwin Dance Co at the Joyce Theatre in NYC. Any description I might give of Gordon’s music would probably ruin your initial listening experience, so I will only use one word: Pulsating. Think of a pulsar in space (there’s a nice visual rendition at Wikipedia). From what little I’ve gathered, Gordon is pretty well known around NYC but I’m not so sure about anywhere else. His Wiki entry states that he is a co-founder of the Bang on a Can Festival. That’s probably as good a place as any to start if you’re interested.
Of the two CDs, I’d start wtih Decasia. Put on an artsy coat and thin black tie, crank it up, get in front of your speakers, and be that guy in those old Maxell commercials. Repeat, with headphones.
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