That’s the cool thing about a world premier musical performance. I may be the first to pen any interpretation at all!
Years ago, I was looking for something different for weekend entertainment, something chamber music oriented, as I was beginning to favor smaller ensembles over my lifelong penchant for orchestras. I came across an obscure […]
That’s the cool thing about a world premier musical performance. I may be the first to pen any interpretation at all!
Years ago, I was looking for something different for weekend entertainment, something chamber music oriented, as I was beginning to favor smaller ensembles over my lifelong penchant for orchestras. I came across an obscure announcement about Chamber Project Saint Louis. I ended up attending what apparently must have been one of their first or early performances at Meramec Community College (if memory serves) and was captivated not only by their music but the entrepreneurial spirit of these lady performers. I’ve been an avid supporter since.
Yesterday evening, for the Project’s 8th birthday, they performed a world premier of “Chamber Etudes” by Washington University Assistant Professor of Music Composition, Christopher Stark. The composer, present for the performance, challenged the audience to identify images that come to mind as these etudes are played. Apparently, a well-known New York illustrator is collaborating with Stark to create images which will accompany a future performance.
At the risk of a Charlie Brown moment*, here are the names given to the etudes, and my images (I had not looked at the titles before listening):
- Trinket – water droplets, the poetry of water.
- Clouds – empty spaces, radio waves traveling through the universe, astronomers coded messages to anyone out there who may be listening, and Twilight Zone
- March – walking alone in an unknown environment, when you hear every sound crystal clearly, including your heart beating, fear.
- Landscape with Pulse and Triads – Busy intersection, urban setting, emergence from the amniotic fluid, Times Square (this was the most beautiful of the pieces, beautiful chords “emerge” from the piano through the percussive-like quiet chaos of the winds)
- Dancing Clouds – destination, having to get somewhere, a pedestrian in a hurry.
I don’t know, water droplet has some vague connection to trinket, clouds move in large empty spaces, a march is a fast walk, a busy intersection is an urban landscape, and well, if a pedestrian is in a real hurry, nervous, and apprehensive, maybe dance is invoked. Well, that may be a stretch.
But that’s the cool thing about a world premier. I may be the first to pen any interpretation at all!
The program included Francis Poulenc’s Sextet for Winds and Piano and Mozart’s Quintet in E flat Major. No string instruments this performance, just winds and piano, also a little different. As a serial entrepreneur, it’s been a treat hearing this talented group of performers mature as a creative endeavour, non-profit business, and musical ensemble.
* “I thought I saw a horsey and a duckey,” Charlie Brown says, when Lucy asked him what he and Linus see in the clouds/sky, and Linus of course responds with something abstract and philosophical.
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