Arianna String Quartet: Dueling Violas!
OK, I’m lying. They weren’t dueling at all. But last night’s (September 11, 2009) recital of the Arianna Quartet here in St. Louis featured a Brahms quintet with TWO violas! What a great idea…well, to me it’s great, having played the viola a good part of my life. What was interesting was how the second viola seemed to support the cello line more than the first viola line. So, I am biased, but I found the overall sound to be richer, fuller, and really wondered why chamber music composers haven’t been doing this for years. Brahms is, like, my favorite composer anyway, and Joanna Mendoza, the Arianna violist, had given me private lessons for a few months last year, so bias is dripping from these words. Anyway, I’ve been attending Arianna chamber concerts for at least five years. This is yet another of those cultural treasures that exists in the City of St. Louis, which I would describe as a big city that acts like a small town EXCEPT in its cultural affairs. Also impressive is that Arianna is getting close to filling their regular concert hall, the Lee Theatre at the Touhill Performing Arts Center, University of Missouri – St. Louis (UMSL). Could it be that these wonderful string players are enlarging the public’s interest in chamber music? Check out their next performance and decide for yourself!
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What a pleasure to find a web site that is not saying the word “FREE” and then, after scrolling down pages and pages being informed, “Hey, surprise! I’m selling something.”
I am over 80 and a WWII vet. I am convinced we NEED to build universal peace, convinced that we SHOULD do this and CONVINCED that we can do this.
You have touched upon and very effectively illuminated what may be biggest obstacle to accomplishing this universal peace – religious prejudice.
Where and when do we learn prejudice for it is indeed, a learned phenomenon. Who taught us these prejudices (and with what motive) and why did we buy into it?
Harvard University conducted a survey in American industry some years ago. The researchers asked production line employees what they wanted most of all from their supervisors. 95% responded with “fair play.” – synonymous with justice. If we extrapolate this to include the population of the world – – –
BUT, who are the other 5%? How can they control 95%/ With techniques that include propaganda, bribery, intimidation, torture, slave labor camps – the list can be quite long. The chief tool is propaganda which includes word pictures of Hell, promises that there is where the manipulatee is going UNLESS he does what the manipulator tells him to do.
However, IF each individual is asked by parents and society important questions such as, “Who is the real you?” “Why do you/we exist?” Why did God make you?” etc. and then if the questioner does not give any answers, only asks the questions.
The fact is that the giving of the answers is a sin against the person being questioned. We each of have been given many gifts by the one who made us all including the gift of having the ability to search for the truth. However, the Parable of the Talents can reveal many Laws through obedience to the Commandment to meditate. One drop out of the ocean of truth in that Commandment is that we diminish the power of the gift to search for truth if we do not exercise it.
The person who gives the answers creates a wall against further seeking.
World peace can be attained when each person becomes aware of the absolute need for totally independent untrammeled search for truth. The truth is one. The endless, ongoing transformation of the individual occurs and he grows in understanding of his relationship with self, neighbor and God. The very thought of committing a crime is totally abhorrent to him, the very thought of violence is replaced with a thought of serenity, thought of war replaced by a thought of peace.
This has happened historically during the rise of Christianity (read Pliny) but diminished with the advent of priests and meddling politicians. Both ranks historically have proven their lust for power which is both a psychological and spiritual sickness which has brought over 2000 denominations in Christianity, 2 major denominations in the Muslim religion, etc.
Well, thats enough out of me. I would be pleased to hear back from you but, I will understand if you are too busy.
Thanks Johnathan