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I gravitate towards fiction that judiciously weaves in my favorite topics, interest areas, and passions. Music qualifies.

Recently, I read A Visit from the Goon Squad (Jennifer Egan) and An Unfinished Score (Elise Blackwell) back to back. The former, which weaves in rock and roll, is known for winning the Pulitzer, the latter, weaving in classical music, for just being published, I guess.

Blackwell makes music and musicians far more interesting and entertaining as fiction than Egan does. An Unfinished Score is a tight, compelling novel and while the basic plot won’t shatter glass ceilings, what you realize about classical musicians, compositions, conducting, composing, and instruments is deeply gratifying. It is rare indeed to learn through entertainment but Blackwell pulls off this feat, sadly with no prize for her achievement.

Believe it or not, the story has a few twists and turns worthy of those books you buy when delayed at an airport. The climactic scene had me in the dark until it was sprung on me.

What Egan should have won perhaps was a prize for the chapter that is a power point presentation. Not because it really contributes much to the novel, but because it is a tragic-comic parody of power point presentations everywhere. I know. I give them. I listen to hundreds a year. Don’t most of us? If you pick up this novel, pay attention to that chapter and in particular how the “presenter” draws broad conclusions from the flimsiest of data. Another hallmark of the form for the most part.

Elise Blackwell is a writer to watch.Under another’s pen, the very beginning could seem beyond trite, a contrivance to grab your attention like an IED going off on the street where you live. The basic plot, female musician with inferiority complex has affair with superior (and arrogant) male conductor type, would probably be scoffed at by any self-respecting professional woman or enlightened lady. But Blackwell injects magic into this time weary plot just like Star Wars made fighting a war in outer space something more than good guys and bad guys.

I think this book will be worth your time and energy.

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