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Baclava is the world’s greatest dessert and my extended family has the world’s greatest recipe.  I claim nothing else so bold for me our my family (although my other family members may vehemently disagree). It is best made by two (although one can do it). Make it with someone you love, or like a lot. Share liberally. Here it is (the “secret” is at the end):

Makansi Family Baclava

Equipment:  Baking pan, brush, damp cloth towel, etc

2  – 16-20 sheet boxes of filo dough

1 lb – crushed pecans

1 tbl – cinnamon

¼ cup – sugar

1 lb – butter

½  cup – water

2 cups –sugar

1 cup – honey

Few drops – lemon or lemon juice

  1. Melt butter in a small pan. Yes, all of it!
  2. Make filling – mix pecans, cinnamon, ¼ cup sugar in a mixing bowl
  3. Pop a beer or pour a glass of wine –the next steps require patience and you need to relax!
  4. Layer dough into a 9 x 12 or 10 x 13 pan that is at least one inch deep.  Brush the pan’s entire inner surface with butter. Lay one sheet of dough, brush it with butter, lay another, brush it, etc, until the first box is empty. [Don’t dawdle on these steps but be patient as well. The dough can dry out easily. In-between each layer, it is best to cover the dough with a damp towel. It can be difficult to separate out the extremely thin sheets of dough from the package. Be delicate. Fingernails may come in handy].
  5. Pour pecan filling into pan and spread as evenly as possible.
  6. Repeat step 4 with second box of dough. The first layer of dough on top of the filling will be difficult to brush with butter
  7. Cut into diamond shaped pieces of your desired size. The smaller the cuts, the more difficult it is to make these cuts without hurting the top layer. [Be sure to cut all the way through to the bottom of the pan.] This also is a delicate operation. Hard to explain – just cut slowly and deliberately.
  8. Bake at 350F for 40-45 min or until top is golden brown
  9. Make syrup – heat ¼ cup of water, dissolve 2 cups of sugar, bring to a boil, add a few drops of lemon, and simmer until dough is ready to come out of the oven. [watch this pot – it can boil over if flame too high, and boy , is that a sticky mess to clean up.
  10. And now the secret! Pour the hot syrup over the dough in the pan as soon as you pull it out of the oven. Let cool naturally.

Distribute far and wide. You’ll be amazed at how many new friends you’ll make. Even beats being the one in the neighborhood with the pool!

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